About Us

About Us2020-02-09T01:53:11-07:00

We provide Technical Consultancy and Support services, to our clients and all the needed tools to reach a high level of optimization in every process.

JP Verma
JP VermaCo-Founder & Principal

JP has been with IT Industry for 20+ years, with varied range of experience across Industry providing solutions to our customers. He has been instrumental with the customers to strategies, set road-map and help with Business process improvement & transformation.

He is passionate about his work and kind of geek where he still likes to get his hand dirty with coding and exploring possibilities with Technology.

He specializes in Oracle/PeopleSoft platform. His Industry Experience varies from Retail, Airlines, Finance, Consulting, Consumer goods, NGO, Recreational & Manufacturing.

Kumar Vemuri
Kumar VemuriCo-Founder & Principal

Kumar brings more than 17 years of experience developing and delivering enterprise software.
He is a Scrum certified Senior IT leader with proven background in Business and Technology Strategy, Technology Transformation, Innovation and Execution.

Kumar’s goal is to become a trusted partner by providing unmatched quality and service in building and deploying customer centric solutions and products to our customers

He is passionate in learning, adopting new tools, using technology to improve Business Outcomes and solve real business problems to accelerate growth.

His industry experience varies from Education, Automotive, Retail, Healthcare, Consulting and Finance.


As an Oracle Gold partner, At Level1 Solutions we are committed to providing our clients a comprehensive, integrated portfolio of services across Oracle HCM Cloud, Oracle PeopleSoft, Analytics, Reporting, Application.

Development, Staff Augmentation. Generally, portfolio is categorized into industry-based consulting services specializing in Implementation and Production support.

Our proprietary hybrid agile methodology “VELOCITY” for Oracle HCM Cloud and PeopleSoft provides the best in class implementation and enhancement approach which increases the likelihood for success. Our consultants provide the highest quality of services at a fraction of industry standard cost.