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PeopleTools 8.58 is out !!

PeopleTools 8.58 is a big release and Oracle keeps delivering new features and enhancements to the product which we think definitely will be seen by the customers as positives to the roadmap promised and bringing the Application experience closer to its SaaS counterparts. PT 8.58 is available now on the OCI infrastructure. Below are some key feature summary by catogeries: Chatbot Integration framework to integrate with Oracle Digital AssistantFor HCM Absence chatbot is delivered Modern Look New Sign-in ScreenUpdated Style sheets, Fluid pages, components, Modal Activity Guides Enhancement to Template for (Multi-language data) Interaction Spell Check, Character counter, New Window [...]

By |February 9th, 2020|0 Comments

PT 8.57 Features & Enhancements

PeopleTools 8.57 is out and available for customers who are in Oracle cloud. It will be available for On-prem customers in Jan 2019.   Oracle is investing and making lot of improvement with major PT releases. It is packed with enhancement & Features here are some of the highlights: Allowing users to setup conditional Notification on Analytics when the condition was met. E.g. On a HCM attrition chart if for the month attrition is more than 10% then it would send out notification to HR Team.   Define something called as "Drop zones" on fluid pages which would allow customers to [...]

By |December 13th, 2018|1 Comment

Chatbots @ Enterprise

Chatbots seem to be the future. With the newer generation all texting based and consumer websites already use these we are seeing adoption of this in the Enterprise as well. In the consumer world where you go to a site e.g. shopping site and immediately a popup comes asking you “Do you need any help?”. Basically a chatbot is running behind the scenes which ask you questions and based on response it would respond and ask then next question to help you find what you may be looking otherwise direct you to talk to a customer service agent. Applying this [...]

By |September 5th, 2018|0 Comments