Chatbots @ Enterprise

Chatbots @ Enterprise

Chatbots seem to be the future. With the newer generation all texting based and consumer websites already use these we are seeing adoption of this in the Enterprise as well. In the consumer world where you go to a site e.g. shopping site and immediately a popup comes asking you “Do you need any help?”.

Basically a chatbot is running behind the scenes which ask you questions and based on response it would respond and ask then next question to help you find what you may be looking otherwise direct you to talk to a customer service agent.

Applying this concept to HCM Cloud or PeopleSoft world would be trying to simulate an employee calling a service desk to get help on their Taxes, Benefits, Vacation etc.

It can be a service based Architecture where for any information the Chatbot framework which can be on any platform either Oracle, IBM etc would make a call to source system to get the data it needs.

Process would start with first identifying the Employee correctly by either providing certain sets of Personal info which would be unique to the Employee then moving to asking the specific question.

At Level1Solution we are exploring these latest and greatest technologies on building chatbots which would help our clients be more efficient & reduce cost.

2018-12-13T01:29:56-07:00September 5th, 2018|AI, Uncategorized|0 Comments

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